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Top 4 Dog-Friendly Parks in Citrus County

Living in paradise doesn’t have to only apply to humans. Man’s best friend seems to love it here too! There are MANY options for dog-friendly parks and fun in Citrus County, but we’ve narrowed it down to our top 4!

1.     Villages of Citrus Hills – Rockwood Park

Villages of Citrus Hills has a lot to offer its residents in the community, as well as their furry friends! The community park, Rockwood Park, has an extremely accommodating dog park that your pup will love!

With right around 2 acres of land for your pup to run around and make friends, you can sit back and relax, knowing he’s got everything he needs in a close vicinity. There are multiple doggy clean-up stations, so if little Charlie has an accident on his way to play-time, you’re covered. You won’t have to worry about watching your step when walking your pup around the park either (hopefully).

There is also a dog-wash area! We all know a dog that runs around and rolls in the dirt the second he’s set loose outside. If your dog is anything like that, you’ll be thankful for this dog-wash area! There’s nothing worse than getting back to our car, only to realize your pooch is covered in mud!

If your pooch is shy, there is more than one fenced in area as well. Big dog and small dog areas are separated for your and Rover’s convenience! There’s nothing better than a big lovable labrador that just wants to lick everyone and everything in its sight, but smaller dogs might find that just a little bit scary and overwhelming! Rest assured, you will have options here in our community dog park!

2.     Bark Central Dog Park - Inverness

Dog parks in Citrus County give many great opportunities for your dog to release his energy, and be social with others of their kind. Dogs love other dogs, and this park offers a great open space for dogs to play with each other and swim as they please!

Surrounded by a giant six-foot chain link fence, this massive dog park extends a total of 15 acres. Surely that is enough land for your little friend to get all of his energy out, and enjoy the beautiful Florida weather!


If your dog likes to swim, this is the place to be! Bark Central Dog Park offers multiple man-made swimming areas that are filtered similar to a fish tank aquarium filter! No chemicals are added, making it safe for your dog to swim and drink the water if he/she pleases! Although maybe bringing your own water would be better, since it is a swimming pool, after all.

If your small Chihuahua doesn’t mix well with someone else’s giant labrador retriever, it’s no worry! This dog park has designated areas for smaller dogs, with plenty of room to roam! Rest assured, your little Buttercup won’t be bothered by any big scary dogs here.

Another thing that makes this dog park one of the best in the county, is the outdoor rinse station! For those of you that have a dog that can’t help himself when he sees a body of water, this rinse station will be your best friend. There’s nothing worse than riding home with a wet, muddy Rover in the back seat!

The last thing that makes this dog park one of the best in the county would definitely be the fact that proof of rabies and DHLPPC vaccinations are required upon entry. Rest assured, if little Jelly Bean and Fluffy decide to play in the grass, and there’s little scrapes on Fluffy when you get home, there’s nothing to worry about!

3.     Whispering Pines Park - Inverness

The next top dog-friendly park that we’re going to cover is also in Inverness! As there are multiple county parks to choose from that are dog friendly, our favorite would have to be Whispering Pines Park.

This park is not only completely beautiful with its wooded landscaping made up of big beautiful oak trees, but it offers a lot for you to do as well as your pup! With a direct path to the Withlacoochee State Trail, there’s no question about if your dog is going to enjoy a nice hike.


This park also has multiple dog-walking trails setup for you to come and spend the day in the beautiful Central Florida weather. Unlike the other surrounding parks, this is the only one with dog-walking trails for your convenience. As these dog-walking trails are all under 3 miles, it’s a great way to start a nice cool Sunday afternoon. Maybe afterwards you can head over to the butterfly garden and watch the butterflies dance along the flower-tops.

The last deciding-factor for you to choose this park as your next day out in the sun with Sparky, would be the doggy clean-up stations they have available to you. There’s nothing worse than walking your dog in the park on a beautiful summer day, and then all of the sudden you realize you need to change your shoes, because there was nowhere for someone to clean up after their furry friend.

The next time you’re sitting around the house, and you’re looking at the weather forecast for a nice Florida day in the park, remember this option for you and Rover!

4.     Crystal River Archaeological Park – Crystal River

Another great option for you to consider would be the Crystal River Archaeological Park. This park may not have some of the other dog-specific amenities as others, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a fantastic option for you and Biscuit this weekend!

As this National Historic Landmark does sit at about 61-acres, there’s a lot of choices as far as dog-friendly activities. For instance, if you’re in the mood for a picnic with your loved ones, there are designated areas with plenty of space for little Charlie to nibble on a squeaky toy while you enjoy your lunch!

Another fun dog-friendly activity at the Crystal River Archaeological Park would have to be the Geocaching opportunities. Geo-seeking has always been popular among the Crystal River community, but with the current state of constant connection with others on the internet, it is as popular as ever! This park allows for hiding and hunting for small treasures, and who better to help you hunt than your furry companion?

All of the dog-friendly trails in this park vary depending on how far you like to hike. Some are under 2 miles long, where others are around 7 miles long. There’s really no better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than with a nice breezy hike through this park.

Best of all, these parks are less than 20 minutes from the front gates at Terra Vista!

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